ENG हिंदी

सामग्री प्रबंधन

About the Materials Management department at Coal India Limited

The Materials Management Division at Coal India Limited Head Quarters, Kolkata is headed by the Executive Director (Materials & Contracts) under the Technical Directorate. In respect of Subsidiary Companies, the MM functions are carried out by the respective Materials Management Departments headed by the General Manager (MM). These MM functions at Area HQ/ Projects/ Mines/ Units/ User Departments, are carried out by the Staff Officer (MM) / Depot Officers of the respective areas as per powers delegated to them.

The Materials Management Division of Coal India Limited (HQ) is presently responsible for procurement of following items:

  1. Dumpers - 120T and above capacity
  2. Dozers - Above 450 HP capacity
  3. Electric Rope Shovels - 20 Cu M and above capacity
  4. Hydraulic Shovels - Above 10 Cu M capacity
  5. Draglines - of all Sizes
  6. OTR Tyres - For 85T Dumpers and above
  7. Explosives - Bulk, Cartridge & Accessories

All other goods/items are procured by Materials Management Departments of the subsidiary companies and NEC.

Procurement of goods and associated services are governed by CIL’s Purchase Manual 2022.

Important Links:

Link to Coal India Ltd E-tender portal – https://coalindiatenders.nic.in/nicgep/app

Link to GEM portal - https://gem.gov.in/

Link to Future Procurement Projections - https://www.coalindia.in/tenders/pp/

Link to CIL website for supply orders - https://www.coalindia.in/tenders/supplyorder/supplyorderdetail/

Link to Purchase Manual & Guidelines – https://www.coalindia.in/info-bank/manuals/purchase-manual-2020/

Contact Information:

P. D. Sharma

Executive Director (Materials & Contracts)

Coal India Limited

Premises No.04 MAR, Plot No-AF-III

Action Area – 1A, Newtown

Rajarhat, Kolkata

West Bengal – 700156

Email – edmnc.cil@coalindia.in / gmmm.cil@coalindia.in

Phone - 033-23244127