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FOIS Data Analytics
Import Substitution
Linkage Rationalization
General Notices
Allocation of coal linkages to power sector
Tentative special forward e-auction calendar for the year 2019-20
Special Spot E-Auction Scheme 2020 for Import Substitution
Special Spot E-auction
Auction of linkages of non-regulated sector
Exclusive E-Auction
Coal Quality Monitoring
Weighbridge Portal
Bill Reporting Portal
Import Substitution
Video Conference link for the meeting to be held on 13.8.2021 from 3:30 PM onwards with Sponge Iron consumers.
Meeting Notice: Consumer meet for Sponge Iron Sector on 13 August 2021
Notice Offer of Coal under Import Substitution for FY 2021-22
Import Subsitution
REVISED NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of Sponge Iron sector
REVISED NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of Sponge Iron sector
NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of Sponge Iron sector
REVISED NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of Cement Sector
NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of CPP
NOTICE: Offer of Coal under Import Substitution- for consumers of Cement Sector
Offer of Coal to NRS Consumers under Import Substitution
Model MoU for supply of coal against Import Substitution
Offer of Coal under Import Substitution
Notice for meeting on Import Substitution
Notice for 2nd meeting on Import Substitution
Revised Notice for meeting on Import Substitution
Notice for meeting on Import Substitution
Offer of Coal under Import Substitution
Linkage Rationalization
Bank Guarantee format for participation in rationalization of linkages allotted on nomination basis to CPSE/SPSE consumers of Non-Power sector
Notice - EOI invited lor rationalization of linkages from CPSE/ SPSE consumers of Non-Power sector having linkage allotted on a nomination basis
NOTICE-Rationalization of linkages allotted on a nomination basis for CPSE/SPSE consumers of Non-Power sector
Modulated price with WPI indexation w.e.f. 00.00 hour of 01.04.2024 for NRS Linkage auction & Single Window mode Agnostic e-auction
Approved Final Rationalized Matrix- Linkage Rationalization (3rd Round)
Draft Rationalized Matrix- Linkage Rationalization (3rd Round)
Format of Bank Guarantee for submission of EMD by State/Central Genco(s) & IPPs during 3rd round of Linkage Rationalization
Notice for Inviting Expression of Interest from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for 3rd round of Linkage Rationalization
Notice for Inviting Expression of Interest from Central & State Gencos for 3rd round of Linkage Rationalization
Feedback/suggestions on Standard Operating Procedure For Linkage Rationalization
Modulated price with WPI indexation w.e.f. 00.00 hour of 31.05.2023 for NRS Linkage auction & Single Window mode Agnostic e-auction
Request for submission of Expression of interest for introduction of new subsector 'Production Of Syn Gas Leading To Coal Gasification' under NRS Linkage Auction
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Linkage Rationalization dated 14.06.2023
Stakeholder consultation regarding rationalization of linkages of lPPs which obtained linkages under SHAKTI B (ii)
Time Extension for Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Linkage Rationalization for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
Final rationalized matrix of Central/Stare Gencos (2nd Round)
Extension of date for submission of EOIs from IPPs for rationalization of coal Linkages
Notice for Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Linkage Rationalization for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)_2nd Round
Provisional rationalized matrix of Central/Stare Gencos (2nd Round) for comment of Stake holders
2nd_Time Extension for the submission of EoI (Expression of Interest)
Methodology for Linkages Rationalization for Independent Power producers_2nd Round (State/Central)
Time Extension for the submission of EoI (Expression of Interest)
Notice of offer of coal by Road/RCR to State/Central Gencos submittedEOI for rationalization of Linkages in terms of methodology issued by Ministryof coal Vide letter no.23011792014-CPDCLD dated 15.05.2018
IMTF Rationalization/Swapping
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Linkage Rationalization for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
Final Rationalized Matrix for information of Stake holders (CEA, Railways & SCCL)
Revised provisional rationalized matrix for comment of Stake holders (CEA, Railways & SCCL)
Provisional Rationalized Matrix for comment of Stake holders (CEA, Railways & SCCL)
Notice inviting EOI for Linkage Rationalization
Format for Affidavit cum indemnity under various SHAKTI Paras & NRS Linkage auction
NOTICE- Modification in model FSAs under SHAKTI B(iii) Long/Medium Round-5, B(iv) Long/Medium & SHAKTI B(v) Medium post modification in the beyond ACQ modalities
Uniformity of Interest Rates in various coal supply schemes
NOTICE-Modalities for computation of quantity eligible for PI & Penalty and Apportionment under Flexi Policy dated 10.04.24
NOTICE-Modalities for computation of quantity eligible for PI & Penalty and Apportionment under Flexi Policy
NOTICE- Modification of Satisfaction of Condition Precedent Clause of FSA under SHAKTI B(i)
Updated Model LoA for SHAKTI B(v) Medium Term
Model FSA for SHAKTI B(iv) Medium Term
Updated Model FSA for SHAKTI B(iv) Long Term
Modification of clauses relating to Quality applicable for the FSAS to be signed under Para A(i) and B(i) of Shakti Policy
Modified Model Letter of Assurance (LOA) for SHAKTI B(iv)_Long/Medium Term dated 19-10-2023
Model Letter of Assurance (LOA) for SHAKTI B(v)_Medium Term dated 03-10-2023
Model FSA under SHAKTI B(v) Medium Term dated 09-08-23
Revision of Model FSAs applicable to Pre & Post-NCDP Plants {including LOA-route, SHAKTI- A(i) & B(i)}
Simplification of document/ milestone verification process under SHAKTI- B(i)
Draft FSA under SHAKTI B(iv) Long Term dated 22-05-2023
New sub-clause under lnterplant Transfer Mechanism of Model FSAs under LOA route dated 23.06.23
Notice- Documents to be sought from Non-CPSE (Private) Fertilizer (Urea) units for renewal of their expiring FSAs
The draft model FSAs through LOA route for SEBs updated till Mar'23 (clean)
The draft model FSAs through LOA route for IPPs updated till Mar'23 (clean)
NOTICE No. 202 dated 25.04.2023 Documents to be sought from CPSE NRS units for renewal of their expiring FSAs
Modification in the Period of Agreement Model FSA for State Nominated Agency.
Model Fuel Supply Agreement for SEB under LOA Route with Amendments
Waiver of Performance Incentive for Power Sector Consumers under FSAs
Modification of FSA Clause pursuant to modification in AMRCD provisions
Modalities regarding change in name/ control with respect to Scheme Document of Non Regulated Sector (NRS)
Decision of 231st FDs meeting held on 18.06.2020 on further amendment in the provisions of lnter-plant transfer of coal to power producers
Decision of 216th FDs Meeting held on 22.11.2019 on amendment in the provisions of Inter-plant Transfer of Coal to power Consumers
Modalities regarding change in name/control with respect to Non-Regulated sector FSA
Modification in Model FSA for State Nominated Agencies (SNA) – Corrigendum
Corrigendum to amendments providing for third party sampling in various models of FSAs for Non-Power Sectors
Modifications in various clauses of Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) for State Nominated Agencies
New dispute resolution mechanisms in model FSAs as per AMRCD provisions
Amendments providing for third party sampling in various models of FSAs for Non- power sector
Extension of Third Party sampling facility for various categories of coal supplies
Change of Mode of dispatch from Rail to Road for the consumers of Linkage Auction for non-regulated sector and Special Forward / Exclusive E-Auction
Acceptance of Rail programme without advance payment
Acceptance of rail programme without advance coal value for NP FSA for October 2017
Meeting on 17.10.2017 regarding flexibility in Utilization of Domestic coal for reducing cost of power Generation
Offer of coal on as is where is basis to non power consumers in lieu of import component of ACQ for 2017-18
Option for Non-Termination of FSA for SEB/IPPs/CPSU for less than 30% LL
Notice on Extension of last date of payment of coal value till 10.03.2017
Offer of additional coal supply to IPP/Gencos having FSA with subsidiaries of CIL
Notice - Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Notice - Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Notice on Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Interplant transfer beyond ceiling of ACQ of the transferee plant
New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)- Amendment regarding incresing the annual cap of coal through State Nominated Agencies and amending phrase of small and medium sector - OM dated 27.09.2016
Offer of coal on as is where is basis to non power in replacement of import component of ACQ for 2016-17
Offer of coal on as is where is basis to non power in replacement of import component of ACQ
Continuation of supply of coal to FSA holders in non-regulated sector
Extension of MoU
Signing of FSAs and supply of coal to the power plants commissioned/to be commissioned in 2015-16
Clarification in regard to Modification in Model FSA applicable for State Nominated Agencies- Validity of Sale Order
Clarification in regard to Modification in Model FSA applicable for State Nominated Agencies- Clause 2.1
Adedendum notice regarding Dispensation for the TPPs under 4660 MW and similarly placed capacity of 9940 MW
Corrigendum notice related to dispensation for the TPPs under 4660 MW and similarly placed capacity of 9940 MW
Do away with PI for supply of higher grades of coal (G5 and above) to FSA consumers both power & non power
Dispensation for the TPPs under 4660 MW and similarly placed capacity of 9940 MW
CIMFR study report on Modalities for Normative Coal requirement for general information
Normative Coal requirement for different Industries
Normative Coal requirement in respect of Cement and Sponge Iron Industries
Modification in Model FSA applicable for State Nominated Agencies (corrigendum)
Modification of FSA provisions for incorporating Third Party Sampling and analysis arrangement post 314th Board decision
Further clarification
Modification in Model FSA applicable for State Nominated Agencies-Corrigendum thereof
Modification in Model FSA applicable for State Nominated Agencies
Withdrawal of authorization granted to CPPs and IPPs by SLC (LT)
New Coal Distribution Policy(NCDP)
Documents :
54. Affidavit from Power Producers receiving coal under FSA
53. Modification in the FSA model for New Power Plants (including Tapering Linkages) regarding basis for charging of Performance Incentive (PI) for the quantity declared deemed delivered (DDQ) in respect of imported coal not accepted
52. Modification in the Performance Incentive Clause for non Power Model FSA
51. Modification in the FSA Model for New Power Plants (including Tapering Model) modifying the basis determining Security Deposit(SD)
50. Modification in the FSA Model for New Private Power Plants/IPPs (including Tapering Model) for amending/supplementing PPA more than once in a year
49. DPE OM No. 4(1) 2011-DPE-(PMA) modifying the guideline on 'APPEAL' under the PMA guideline dated 12.6.2013
48. Change in basis of charging Incentive and Compensation from Non Power FSA consumers (New & Existing)
47. Change in ownership/ Share holding pattern of the Power Producing Company under LOA/FSA
46. Revision in the provision of charging Add-on price under the FSAs for Power Plants with Tapering Linkages
45. Modifications in the provisions of Model FSAs applicable for the Existing and New Power Utilities (For SEB/State GENCOs) pursuant to DPE OM No. 4(1)/2011-DPE(PMA)-GL dated 12.06.2013 regarding Permanent Machinery of Arbitrators (PMA)
44. Model Fuel Supply Agreement for eligible New Power Plants (updated with all amendments/modifications up to Sept' 2013)
44. i. For Power Plants not having any coal blocks/Tapering Linkages
a. Model FSA for SEB/State Gencos through LOA route
b. Model FSA for Private Power Plants/IPPs through LOA route
44.ii. For Power Plants having coal blocks/Tapering Linkages
a. Model FSA for SEB/State Gencos through LOA route
b. Model FSA for Private Power Plants/IPPs through LOA route
43. The modified provisions will be effective after starting of the Third Party Sampling
i. Comparative Provisions arising out of changes due to introduction of Third Party Sampling in place of Joint Sampling and analysis system for Existing Power (SEB & PPU) FSA Models
ii. Comparative Provisions arising out of changes due to introduction of Third Party Sampling in place of Joint Sampling and analysis system for New Power (SEB & PPU) FSA Models
iii. Comparative Provisions arising out of changes due to introduction of Third Party Sampling in place of Joint Sampling and analysis system for: Non Power-High Demand Category (Existing & New) i.e Model-C (ACQ>4,00,000 TPA)
42. Modifications in the provisions of Non Power FSA Models (High/ Medium/ Low Demand)
41. Modifications in the FSA provisions (including tapering FSAs) for New Power plants for implementing the Presidential directives dated 17-7-2013
40. Modifications in the provisions of Model FSAs for New Power Utilities (Both SEB / State GENCOs and Private PUs) regarding Incentive/ compensation for supply of coal
39. Modifications in the provisions of Model FSAs applicable for New Power Utilities (Both SEB / State GENCOs and Private PUs) regarding Interplant transfer of coal
38. Renewal of Fuel Supply Agreements with the existing Non-Power consumers (including CPPs)
37. Modfification of Model FSA applicable for New Power Plants (Govt. & IPPs including corresponding tapering models) regarding requirement of long term PPA for signing the FSA
36. Minor modifications in the provisions of Model FSAs applicable for New Power Utilities
35. Renewal of FSA with existing Non-power Consumer(including(CPP)
34. Modification in the FSA provisions relating to Termination, Assessment of Stone, Security Deposit & Supply of 5% ACQ from loading points/ coal stocks
Corrigendum on Modalities for assessment of stones
33. Modification in Model FSA applicable for State nominated Agencies
32. Modified Model Fuel Supply Agreements for eligible New Power Stations commissioned between 1st April 2009 and on or before 31st March 2015
a) Model FSA for New Private Power Utilities/IPPs through LOA
b) Model FSA for New SEB/State Gencos through LOA
c) Side Agreement for supply of imported coal
d) Model FSAs for New Private Power Utilities /IPPs through LOA - having Captive Block/Tapering Linkages
e) Model FSAs for New SEB/ State Gencos through LOA - having Captive Block/Tapering Linkages
31. Modification in the FSA provisions arising out of migration from UHV based grading to GCV based system
a) UHV to GCV related modifications in the FSA provisions - FSA Models for the State Gencos and PPUs (Existing & New)
b) UHV to GCV related modifications in the FSA provisions - Cost Plus FSA Models for Existing State Gencos and New PPUs
c) UHV to GCV related modifications in the FSA provisions - Non Power FSA Models
30. Modification in FSA's to include Mechanical/Augur sampling
29. Generic Model FSA for mine specific supply on Cost Plus basis to New Private Power Utilities/IPPs.
28. Mechanism for review/redressal of differences related to milestones of LOA.
27. Generic Cost Plus Model FSA for mine-specific supply to consumers in the existing Power Utility Sector.
26. Modification of the clause No. 4.0 of the 'Scheme for Issuance of LoA under NCDP for non-SLC(LT) category consumers with lapsed linkages having BIFR referred status'
25. Amendment to the Model FSA for coal supply to existing State / Government Power Utilities
24. Amendment to Model FSA for existing Private Power Utilities (PPUs)
23. Option for surrender of imported coal supply
22. Model Coal supply Agreement for supply from CIL sources including cost plus projects to Government / State power utilities under NCDP
21. Notice regarding LOA under NCDP for non SLC(LT) category of consumers with lapsed linkage having BIFR status
20. Scheme on issuance of Letter of Assurances (LOA) under NCDP for non-SLC(LT) category of consumers with lapsed linkages having BIFR referred status
19. Issuance of consent for loading of the residual quantity by rail in the 4th Quarter under FSA
18. Implementation of the decision of SLC(LT)'s meeting held on November 12, 2008
17. Fuel Supply Agreement for non-Power Coal Consumer including CPP - Low Demand
16. Fuel Supply Agreement for non-Power Coal Consumer Including CPP - Medium Demand
15. Fuel Supply Agreement for non-Power Coal Consumer including CPP - High Demand
14. Model Coal Supply Agreement for Private Power Generation Utility
13. Model Coal Supply Agreement for New SEB /State GENCO through LOA
12. Model Fuel Supply Agreement for New Private Power Utility through LOA
11. Model Agreement for Coking Coal Supply for Integrated Steel Plants
10. Model Coal Supply Agreement for supply from CIL sources to Government / State Power Utilities under NCDP
9. Fuel Supply Agreements for State Nominated Agencies
Statewise/Companywise Allocation of Quantity
Fuel Supply Agreement(FSA) for State Agencies
Implementation of NCDP on supply of Coal to Small Consumers
8. Fuel Supply Agreements for all consumers other than power, but including CPP
Fuel Supply Agreement(FSA) for High Demand Consumer
Fuel Supply Agreement(FSA) for Medium Demand Consumer
Fuel Supply Agreement(FSA) for Low Demand Consumer
Format of Letters by Company for erstwhile non-core sector and core sector consumers excepting CPP and fertilizer, PUs, NTPC, IPPs
Format of Letters by Company to CPP & Fertilizer
Implementation of NCDP regarding FSA
7. LOA Format of Commitment Guarantee Power Generation Entities
6. LOA Format of Commitment Guarantee Cement & Sponge-iron
5. Letter of Assurance for Sponge Iron Units
4. Letter of Assurance for Cement Plants
Amendment in the Milestones of LOA for Cement Plants.
3. Letter of Assurance for State Owned Power Utilities
2. Letter of Assurance for IPPs & Private GENCOs Unit
1. Modified milestones of CPP's LOA under NCDP approved by CIL Board in its 254th meeting held on 30th January, 2010 at the Item No.254 :4(I)
Notice dated 24.07.2024 regarding certain Modification in the CIL e-auction scheme 2022 along with updated scheme for notification(updated version as on 25.07.2024)
NOTICE- New modalities for Single Window mode agnostic e-Auction
Revision in the Bid Security amount in CIL e-auction Scheme 2022
CIL E-Auction Scheme 2022 (updated on 26.03.2024)
CIL E-Auction Scheme 2022 (updated on 29.02.2024)
Tentative Calendar of SHAKTI B(iii) Linkage auction
Tentative Calendar of SHAKTI B(viii a) Linkage auction
Tentative Calendar of NRS Linkage auction
CIL E-Auction Scheme 2022 (updated on 31.08.2023)
Tentative E-auction Offer Calendar for FY 2023-24
Notification for bidder registration
Modulated price with WPI indexation applicable with effect from 01.04.2023 for NRS Linkage auction (Tranche VI & onwards)
CIL E-auction scheme 2022 for implementation of Single window mode agonistic e-auction (updated as on 10.02.2023)
Amendment in Clause of CIL E-auction Scheme 2022
CIL E-auction Scheme 2022 for implementation of Single window mode agnostic e-auction Policy (updated as on 22.12.22)
Notice: CIL E-auction Scheme 2022 for implementation of Single window mode agnostic e-auction Policy
Notice regarding amendment in validity of e-auction rakes
Notice for modalities for banning blacklisting of NRS consumers 01.11.2022
NOTICE - Single window mode agnostic e-auction
Revision in the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount in Spot e-auctions
Launching of in house e-auction platform of CIL and commencement of registration process- Public notification
Export of coal procured through Spot / Special Spot e-Auction windows
Continuation of dispensation for providing additional time for submission of documents for participation in coal e-auctions
Notice for e-auction of Meghalaya coal
Optimization of documents required to be submitted by the bidders for procuring coal under different schemes of e-auction of coal / linkages
Notice for e-auction of Meghalaya coal
Dispensation for providing additional time for submission of documents for participation in coal e-auctions in April 2021
Notice for e-auction of Meghalaya coal
Amendments in e-auction schemes
Extension in dispensation for providing additional time for submission of document for participation in coal e-auctions during Sept'20
Dispensation for providing additional time for submission of documents for participation in coal e-auction
Review of documents required by bidders in different e-auctions & SHAKTI/NRS linkage auction schemes
Additional documents required to be submitted for participation in exclusive e-auction (Corrigendum)
Additional documents required to be submitted for participation in exclusive eauction
Financial Coverage in case of upgradation as per third party sampling/referee results for coal sold under e-auction schemes
EMD continuation in various e-auction schemes
Proposal for Restoration of the Reserve Price in various E-auction schemes
Dispensation in deposition of coal value for order booking under Special Forward & exclusive e-auction
Office Order of IMC cell
Continuation of different E-Auction schemes for the year 2017-18 & onward
Continuation of modifications for E-Auction for 2017-18
Notice on Extension of last date of payment of coal value till 10.03.2017
Discontinuance of Forward E-auction Scheme
Notice - Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Notice - Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Notice on Extension of last date of payment of coal value
Continuing of modification in EMD and Reserve Price - Letter dated 05.10.2016
Notice regarding effective period applicable for modification in the Reserve Price & EMD of Spot & Forward e-Auction
Notice regarding modification in the Reserve Price & EMD of Spot & Forward e-Auction
Inviting suggestions for examining e-auction schemes afresh
Reserve price of Non-coking coal for sale of coal under e-auction
Modification in Clause 6.5 of Spot e-auction of coal
Modification in Clause 5.2 of Spot e-auction scheme of coal
Modifications pursuant to change of system of gradation and pricing from UHV to GCV
Modifications of eligibility criteria of existing clause and inclusion of two additional clauses in Spot & Forward E- Auction scheme
Amendment of Spot e-auction and Forward e-auction
Modification in the Spot e-Auction Scheme 2007 and Forward e-Auction Scheme in respect of registration procedure
Spot e-Auction (last updated as on 23.03.2015)
Forward e-Auction (last updated as on 23.03.2015)
Forward e-Auction
Spot e-Auction
e-Auction Service Provider :
MSTC India
Spot e-Auction calender of MSTC India
Coal Junction
Spot e-Auction calender of Coal Junction
Price Notification No. ClL/M&S/Pricing/ 459 dated 29th Nov. 2024
Price notification dated 30.05.2023 w.e.f. 00:00 hrs of 31.05.2023
Price Notilication: CIL: Ret. No. CIL: M&S/ 1325 Dated 18th July 2022 Pricing of Raw Coal with GCV from 1500 keal/kg to 2200 keal/ky as approved by CIL Board
Price Notification dated 30.07.2021 effective from 00:00 hours of 01.08.2021.
Price notification dated 27.11.2020 effective from 00:00 hours of 01.12.2020.
Corrigendum to Price Notification no.: CIL: M&S : PRICING: 302 Dated 13.11.2019
Price notification for Hura OCP
NEC Price Notification dated 26.09.2018 effective from 00:00 Hrs of 27.09.2018 (Revised)
Abeyance of implementation of new system of raising of coal bills on GCV(kcal/Kg)
Write up of the deliberations held at CIL on 26.03.2018 on GCV based pricing
Price Notification dated 08.01.2018 effective from 00:00 Hrs of 09.01.2018
Evacuation Facility Charges
Revised Prices in respect of non coking coal effective from 30.05.2016
Revised Prices in respect of non coking coal effective from 30.05.2016
Price Notification for Steel II Grade coking coal in CCL
Price Notification for Steel I Grade coking coal in CCL
Price Notification in respect of coal produced from the Rajmahal mine of Eastern Coalfields Limited effective w.e.f. 00:00 hour of 1st April 2014
Revised Price Notification for Sizing and Rapid Loading charges effective w.e.f 00:00 hour of 17th Dec, 2013
Revised Price Notification effective w.e.f. 00:00 hour of 14th Nov, 2013
Corrigendum to the Revised Price Notification with effect from 00:00 hour of 14th Nov, 2013
Revised Coal Prices with effect from 00:00 hour of 28th May, 2013
Corrigendum to Revised Coal Prices with effect from 00:00 hours of 28th May 2013
Revised Coal Prices with effect from 00:00 hour of 27th Feb, 2011