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Purchase Manual 2020
Updated Purchase Manual:
Amendment No. 6_Dtd 22-11-2024 (Addition of items to be procured centrally by MM Dept. CIL HQ)
Amendment no.5 to CIL’s Purchase Manual, 2020
12.03.2024 Amendment regarding Developmental / Trial Tenders and Trial Orders
21.02.2024 Amendment to Clause- of CIL's Purchase Manual regarding MDA for Allison Transmission Spares
21.02.2024 Amendment to Clause-4.1.4 of CIL's Purchase Manual regarding BEE Star Rating
12.02.2024 Amendment to Clause-10.3.10 regarding "Security Deposit"
31.10.2023 Purchase Manual, 2020
Other Guidelines
Other Guidelines
14.11.2024 Systemic Improvement Measures for Inventory Management of spares / parts of P&M including pumps
29.07.2024_Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 – Revision
05.07.2024 Relaxation for procurement of certain Medical Devices & Drugs through Global Tender Enquiry
03.05.2024 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017 - Notifying CCTV/ Video Surveillance System for Security in furtherance of the order
12.03.2024 Guidelines for Introduction of New Technology in CIL
02.02.2024 Clarification regarding SOP for identification and procurement of Critical Spares of HEMM
03.01.2024 Extension of submission period for 'Vivad Se Vishwas I' Scheme
03.01.2024 Removal of 'Net Worth' as criterion in General Insurance Tenders
04.12.2023 Extension of 'Vivad Se Vishwas II' (Contractual Disputes) Scheme
08.11.2023 Utilization of National Accreditation Body for Accreditation of Agencies
18.10.2023 SOP for identification and procurement of Critical Spares of HEMM
17.10.2023 Withdrawal of O/O no. 2208 dated 29.12.2020
10.10.2023 Trial Orders for non-High Capacity HEMM
28.09.2023 Corrections / Clarifications to 'Vivad Se Vishwas II' (Contractual Disputes)
04.09.2023 Clarification regarding applicable DOP for implementation of 'Vivad Se Vishwas I'
08.08.2023 General recommendations regarding GTE proposals
01.08.2023 Clarification regarding 'Vivad Se Vishwas I' providing relief to MSMEs
28.07.2023 Revised SOP for adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact
27.07.2023 Clarification regarding 'Vivad Se Vishwas I' providing relief to MSMEs
14.07.2023 Guidelines regarding 'Vivad Se Vishwas II' (Contractual Disputes)
10.07.2023 Exemption for sourcing Solar PV Modules from restrictions under Rule 144 (xi) of GFR
10.07.2023 Guidelines regarding ‘Vivad Se Vishwas I’ providing relief to MSMEs
10.07.2023 Extension of Relaxation for procurement of certain Medical Items through GTE
04.07.2023 Guidelines regarding Single Stage Single Cover System of e-Procurement
05.06.2023 Concurrent application of PPP-MSE Order, 2012 and PPP-MII Order, 2017
01.06.2023 PPP-MII Guidelines related to procurement of Telecom products
22.05.2023 Vivad Se Vishwas I (Relief to MSMEs)
06.03.2023 Regarding Restrictions on Public Procurement from certain countries
05.12.2022 Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry for procurement of 90 Drugs / Medicines
23.11.2022 Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry for procurement of 16 Medical Items/equipment.
17.11.2022 General Observations on Global Tender Enquiry Proposals
18.10.2022 Clarification regarding Indent / MB Form as per Purchase Manual 2020
07.09.2022 Relaxation for procurement of certain hardware and software items through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE)
25.08.2022 Exemption to CPSEs from the provisions of OM no. 6/18/2020-PPD dated 23.07.2020 for items required for business activities involving setting up of renewable energy projects
25.07.2022 Removal of Solvency Ratio as a criterion for participation in General Insurance related tenders of CPSEs
30.06.2022 Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) under GFR for medical devices
25.05.2022 Systematic improvement measures in procurement process
07.03.2022 Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) under GFR for raw material
07.03.2022 Relaxation on Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) under GFR for medical devices
07.01.2022 Extension of Guidelines regarding Security Deposit in case of Procurement of Goods
02.11.2021 Competent Authority for approving GTE below Rs. 200 Cr for Oil & Gas P&M items
19.10.2021 Systemic Improvement Measures arising out of Intensive Examination by CTE
14.09.2021 Relaxation for seeking approval for issue of GTE below Rs. 200 Cr for services like AMC
03.09.2021 Amendment to Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012
30.08.2021 Amendment to Rule 149 of GFR regarding procurement of Automobiles through GeM
20.07.2021 Format for seeking approval for issue of GTE below Rs. 200 Cr in case of Research Equipment
07.07.2021 Revised SOP for adoption of Integrity Pact
02.07.2021 Consolidated Guidelines for seeking approval for issuing GTE below Rs. 200 Cr
18.06.2021 Transparency in Works / Purchase / Consultancy contracts awarded on Nomination basis
16.06.2021 Clarification regarding PBG/ePBG in case of procurement of Goods through GeM
15.06.2021 Extension of exemption from restrictions on public procurement from certain countries
09.06.2021 Guidelines regarding payment of interest free Mobilization Advance
31.03.2021 Regarding restrictions on public procurement from certain countries
23.03.2021 Relaxation on seeking approval for issuing GTE in case of existing commitments
22.03.2021 Clarification regarding Local Content calculation
22.02.2021 Procurement of Goods as per Indian Standards
13.02.2021 Clarification regarding restriction on procurement from certain countries
12.02.2021 Relaxation in seeking approval for Research Equipment
30.12.2020 Systemic Improvement Suggestions by Committee of CVOs
29.12.2020 Clarification regarding Critical Spares for HEMM / UGMM [withdrawn w.e.f. 17.10.2023]
10.12.2020 Systemic Improvement Measures regarding Weighbridges
26.11.2020 Additional Guidelines regarding issue of GTE below Rs. 200 crores
26.11.2020 Temporary Relief with respect to EMD and SD
11.11.2020 Relaxation on seeking approval for issuing GTE in case of procurement of Spares
21.10.2020 PPP-MII Order dated 16.09.2020
30.09.2020 Systemic Improvement Measures
14.08.2020 Force Majeure & Performance Security
28.07.2020 Restriction on procurement from certain countries
25.06.2020 PPP-MII Order dated 04.06.2020
08.06.2020 Import on CIP Basis
01.04.2020 PPP-MII Decision of CoS
18.02.2020 New Integrity Pact
Archive - Purchase Manual & Amendments (26.01.2020 to 31.10.2023)
28.07.2023 Amendment no. 16
28.06.2023 Amendment no. 15
28.04.2022 Amendment no. 14
26.10.2021 Amendment to Clause-13.11.3
09.06.2021 Amendment regarding Shortfall Documents
29.04.2021 Amendment to Bank Guarantee Formats
25.02.2021 Amendment to Draft Model Depot Agreements
02.02.2021 Amendment to Clause-8.2.4
08.01.2021 Amendment to Clause-13.11.3
30.12.2020 Amendment to Clause-13.11.3 [withdrawn]
22.10.2020 Amendment no. 6
01.10.2020 Amendment No. 5
24.07.2020 Amendment to Clause-8.9.5
15.07.2020 Amendment to Annexure-21
15.06.2020 Amendment to Clause-8.9.5 [partially modified]
22.05.2020 Amendment to Clauses-10.16.1, 10.16.2 and 10.16.6
26.01.2020 Purchase Manual, 2020