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पी. ई. एस. बी.
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आर टी आई अधिनियम
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पी. ई. एस. बी.
Ministry of Coal's letter dated 20.12.2024 reg. Selection for appointment on deputation (including short term contract) to the post of Project Advisor in the MoC
Notice no. B-84 dated 29.01.2025 for the post of Chairman & Managing Director, Coal India Limited
Notice no. B-893 dated 19.11.2024 for the post of Director (Technical), Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Notice no. B-866 dated 05.11.2024 for the post of Director (Finance), Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Notice no. B-831 dated 18.10.2024 for the post of Director (BD), CIL
Notice no. B-809 dated 01.10.2024 for the post of CMD, BCCL
Notice no. B-796 dated 24.09.2024 for the post of Director (Technical), WCL
Notice no. B-562 dated 22.07.2024 for the post of Director (Technical), NCL
Notice no. B-477 dated 21.06.2024 for the post of Director (Technical), CCL
Notice no. B-476 dated 21.06.2024 for the post of Director (Technical), ECL
Notice no. B-440 dated 10.06.2024 for the post of - D(T), SECL
Notice no. B-396 dated 16.05.2024 for the post of CMD, SECL
Notice no. B-269 dated 11.03.2024 for the post of D(T), MCL
Notice no. B-243 dated 06.03.2024 for the post of D(T), WCL
Notice no. B-208 dated 27.02.2024 for the post of CMD, ECL
Notice no. B- 155 dated 08.02.2024 for the post of D(T)BCCL
Notice no. B-847 dated 12.12.2023 for the post of D(T), CIL
Notice no. B- 800 dated 16.11.2023 for the post of D(P), ECL
Notice no. B-777 dated 20.10.2023 for the post of D(F), SECL
Notice no. B-733 dated 25.09.2023 for the post of CMD, CCL
ICVL Open Advertisement No. ICVL/HR/MD&CEO2023/02 dated 18.08.2023 for selection for the post of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, ICVL
Notice no. B- 522 dated 19.06.2023 for the post of Director (Finance), CIL
Notice no. B-521 dated 19.06.2023 for the post of Director (Finance), WCL
Notice no. B-515 dated 14.06.2023 for the post of Director(Finance), CIL & Director (Finance), WCL
Notice no. B-461 dated 01.06.2023 in connection with MOC notification for the post of Director (Finance), WCL
Notice no. B-460 dated 01.06.2023 in connection with MOC notification for the post of Director(Finance), CIL
Notice no. B-308 dated 06.04.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of CMD, WCL and CMD, NCL
Notice no. B-307 dated 06.04.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of CMD, WCL and CMD, NCL
Ministry of Coal's letter dated 02.03.2022 reg. Selection for appointment on deputation to the post of Director (Technical) in the MoC
Order No. B-208 dated 14.03.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of D(P), SECL
Selection for the post of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, ICVL
Notice no. B-198 dated 09.03.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of CMD, MCL
Notice no. B-124 dated 14.02.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of Director(Technical), SECL
Corrigendum no. B-121 dated 13.02.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of Director(Technical), CCL
Notice no. B-97 dated 08.02.2023 in connection with PESB notification for the post of Director(Technical), CCL
Notice No.B-770 dated 30.09.2022 for the post of D(T), CMPDIL
Notice No.B-769 dated 30.09.2022 for the post of D(T), MCL
Notice No. B-731 Dated 12.09.2022 regarding PESB Notification for the post of D(T) CMPDIL
Notice No.B-677 dated 31.08.2022 for the post of D(P), WCL
Notice No.B-639 dated 17.08.2022 for the post of CMD, CIL
Notice No. B-617 dated 08.08.2022 for the post of D(T), NCL
Notice No.B-616 dated 08.08.2022 for the post of D(T), BCCL
Notice No.B-366 dated 26.04.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL).
Notice No.B-243 dated 23.03.2022 - PESB Notification of the post of Director (Finance), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL)
Notice No.B-242 dated 23.03.2022 - PESB Notification of the post of Director (Finance), Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-182 dated 08.03.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Central Coalfields Limited (CCL).
Notice No.B-181 dated 08.03.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical) South Eastern Coalfields Ltd (SECL).
Notice No.B-180 dated 08.03.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL).
Notice No.B-179 dated 08.03.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL).
Notice No.B-89 dated 08.02.2022 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Personnel), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL)
Notice No.B-1144 dated15.12.2021- PESB notification for the post of Director (Tech.), CMPDIL.
Notice no. B 1140 dated 13.12.2021 -Selection to the post of CMD, MCL
Corrigendum for Selection to the post of CMD-MCL
Notice No.B-1085 dated 11.11.2021 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Business Development) Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-1074 dated 09.11.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Marketing), Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-984 dated 04.10.2021 - Advertisement for the appointment of Chairman and Managing Director, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Notice No.B-949 dated 24.09.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Finance), Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL).
Notice No.B-827 dated 09.09.2021 - Notification of the post of Director (Finance), Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL)
Notice No.B-826 dated 09.09.2021 - Advertisement for the appointment of Chairman and Managing Director, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Notice No.B-822 dated 08.09.2021 - Notification of the post of Director (Finance), South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL).
Notice No.B-695 dated 24.08.2021 - PESB Notification of the post of Director (Personnel), Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL)
Notice No.B-213 dated 19.03.2021 - PESB Notification of the post of Director (Technical), Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-212 dated 19.03.2021 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Finance), Western Coalfields Limited (WCL)
Notice No.B-189 dated 12.03.2021 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Tech.) Western Coalfields Limited (WCL)
Notice No.B-184 dated 04.03.2021 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL)
Notice No.B-152 dated 22.02.2021 - PESB Notification of the post of Director (Technical), Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL)
Notice No.B-135 dated 11.02.2021 - PESB notification of the post of Director (Technical), Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL)
Notice No.B-69 dated 20.01.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Chairman and Managing Director (CMD), Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL)
Notice No. 19 dated 07.01.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Finance), Eastern Coalfields Limited
Notice No. 18 dated 07.01.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Technical), Western Coalfields Limited
Notice No. 17 dated 07.01.2021 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Technical), CMPDIL
Notification for the post of Director (TechnicalP&P), MCL a schedule 'B' CPSE -PESB notification dated 21.12.2020
Notification for the post of Director (Technical), CCL a schedule 'B' CPSE -PESB notification dated 27.11.2020
Letter No.1026 dated 16.10.2020 - Selection for appointment on deputation to the post of Director (Tech.) in the O/o Nominated Authority, Ministry of Coal
Notice No.B-619 dated 09.10.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Chairman cum Managing Director, Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL)
Notice No.B-616 dated 07.10.2020 - PESB notification for the post of Director (Personnel), Northern Coalfields Limited
Notice No.B-569 dated 21.09.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Finance), Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-568 dated 21/09/2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Finance) Central Coalfields Limited (CCL)
Notice for the post of CMD,CMPDIL
Selection for appointment on deputation to the post of Project Advisor in the Ministry of Coal.
Selection for appointment on deputation to the post of Director (Technical) in the Ministry of Coal.
Notice No.B-180 dated 06.03.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Tech.) BCCL.
Notice No.B-90 dated 29.01.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Personnel), Central Coalfields Limited (CCL)
Notice No.B-89 dated 29.01.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of Director (Personnel & IR), Coal India Limited (CIL)
Notice No.B-74 dtd 22.01.2020 PESB Notification for the post of Dir (P) SECL
Notice No.B-42 dated 20.01.2020 - PESB Notification for the post of CMD, Central coalfields Ltd. in Schedule 'B'
PESB Advertisement for the Post of CMD, WCL
Notice No.B-814 dated 11.12.2019 - PESB Notification for the post of CMD, Western Coalfields Ltd
Notice No.B-736 dated 22.11.2019 - Notification for the post of Director (Finance) WCL
Notice No B-672 dated 17.10.2019
Notice No.B-666 dated 10/14.10.2019 - Notification of the post of C.M.D., Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, a Schedule 'B' CPSE
Notice for the post of Director(T), NCL
PESB Advertisement for the Post of D(f), ECL