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Dearness Allowance & VDA
टीए / एलटीसी / एलएलटीसी / एचआरए / अवकाश
एचआर / कार्मिक
होलीडे होम
Prior intimation and Previous Sanction(PIPS) module of Annual Property Return portal for enabling Executives to give online intimation of seeking prior sanction under Rule 19.2 & Rule 19.3 of CDA Rules
Closure of Trading Window for the 3rd Quarter and Nine Months Ended 31st Dec'2024
Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Contractor Workers engaged in mining activities
List of Posts identified under the RPwD Act 2016 applicable to non-executive cadre employees of CIL and its subsidiaries.
Circular No. 1796 Dtd 21.09.2024 regarding Right of Way (RoW) permission to user agencies for laying telegraphic infrastructure, including Optical Fiber Cable (OFC), etc. on the lands of CIL, its subsidiary companies
Acknowledgement of receipts of DDs for modified CPRMS NE scheme
Notification for CS Practical Training
Office Order No.: 87 dated 05.09.2023 regarding Enhancement of Rescue Allowance
Extension of Opportunity of membership of CPRMS-NE (Modified)
Clarification on clause 3.1.2 of CPRMS-NE (Modified) regarding payment of OPD / Domiciliary treatment
Composition of Board of Trustees of CMPRMS-NE (Modified)
Relinquishing membership of CPRMS-NE (Modified)
Clarification w.r.t reimbursement of hospitalization charges to undeclared / deceased / unavailable nominee
Empanelment of Non Star Hotel in Kolkata with Coal lndia Limited
Empanelment of Star Hotel in Kolkata with Coal lndia Limited
Corrigendum No B- 802 dated 17.10.2022 regarding Calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021
Corrigendum No. B- 798 dated 15.10.2022 regarding Calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave following IDA patter for ,Executives retired on or after 01.10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021
Order No. B-790 dated 14.10.2022 regarding cash payment in lieu of Leave following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020
Notification for CS Practical Training
Empanelment of Non-Star Hotel in Kolkata with Coal lndia Limited for the period from 01.05.2021 to 30.04.2023
Empanelment of Star Hotel in Kolkata with Coal lndia Limited for the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2022
SOP for inclusion of new products of explosive manufacturers in CIL approved product list of Explosives and Accessories.
Intensive Examination of contract agreement no. 63444161/413A1110/CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM for "Supply, Installation, Commissioning of CCTV surveillance system in different projects/units at NCL along with 04-year CAMC after completion of warranty period" - regarding
Engagement of Executive Director (IICM) on fixed tenure contract basis
Amendments in the Terms & Conditions for engagement of Executive Director (IICM) on fixed tenure contract basis
Amendments in the Selection Methodology for engagement of Executive Director (IICM) on fixed tenure contract basis
SOP for forwarding and settlement of various claims under CMPF-1948 & CMPS-1998
Revision in Life Certificate format (CPRMSE)
Corrigendum on Amendment in "Revised Guidelines for Engagement of Doctors & Paramedical Staff "
Amendment in "Revised Guidelines for Engagement of Doctors & Paramedical Staff on temporary contract basis to combat COVID-I9
Corrigendum on guidelines for engagement of Doctors& Paramedical Staff on temporary basis
Guidelines for engagement of Doctors & Paramedical Staff on temporary contract basis to combat COVID-19
Policy for decentralized Recruitment of Medical Executives at CIL/ Subsidiary level
List of Identified Post suitable for Executives of CIL of All Categories of disabilities Covered by the RPwD Act, 2016
Payment of House Rent Allowance during unauthorized absence
Continuation of Monthly Monetary Compensation, in lieu of employment, to female dependent post re-marriage
Payment of PLR to Non-Executive cadre employees of CIL/Subsidiaries who are on Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave etc.
Maternity Leave & Child Care Leave in case of legally adopted child(ren) to Female Non-Executive Cadre Employees
First Annual Increment of Newly Joined Category-I employees
Determination of Seniority in case of Non-Executive cadre Employees of CIL/Subsidiaries
Standardization of Leave for Non-Executive cadre Employees of CIL/Subsidiaries and allied establishment/Units
Retirement Before Superannuation Scheme for Non Executive of CIL & Subsidiaries
Extension of Date of becoming member of CPRMS-NE & Recovery /Deduction of Membership Contribution
PF and Pension Claim Form -SAHAJ
Nomination Form "A" for Provident Fund
Nomination Form PS-3 for Family Particulars and PS-4 for Pension.
Payment of VDA to Non-Executive Cadre employees governed under "10th Wage Agreement for CIL & SCCL" for the period 01.12.2020 to 28.02.2021
OM No.B-779 dated 17.12.2020 - Freezing of Dearness Allowance to Employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)
Office Order CIL:Legal:4902 dated 08.12.2020
Revision of Monthly Monetary Compensation in lieu of employment to female dependent of Executive Cadre Employees
Guidelines for Departmental Inquiries through Video Conference - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/479 dated 18.09.2020
Uploading in CIL website-list of retired non executive who paid additional contribution for opting CPRMS-NE Modified scheme
Annuity Scheme, CIL, 2020
Payment of Exgratia amount to the dependent of employees dying out of COVID-19
Guidelines for preferring appeals against orders of courts
Letter No.758 dated 17.07.2020 - Selection for the post of HoD, IICM, Ranchi
Sponsorship Scheme for one year Post Graduate Course in Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Banglore, Calcutta, Lucknow and Indore
Enhancement of Faculty Honorarium. Ref. No. CIL/HRD/Faculty Hon./2020-21/14702 Dt. 25/06/2020
Contributory Post Retirement Medicare Scheme for Non Executives of CIL and SCCL (Modified)
Operational Period of CPRMS-NE (2014)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of CPRMS-NE (Modified)
Payment of SPRA to the Piece Rates (PR) employees working in MP, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Assam as per Clause 3.11.2 of “10th Wage Agreement for CIL and SCCL”
Pending cases of anomaly pertaining to previous wage agreements
CIL Executive Role Profile of Unique Positions - CIL OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Role Profile/406 dated 30.03.2020
OPD and lndoor Medical Treatment facility to Contractors' Workers in Company's Hospital/Dispensary
Decision Taken in the meeting of Public Health response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak
CIL Executive Communication Policy - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Communication/372 dated 17.02.2020
Notification for CS Practical Training
Policy for Empanelment of Advocates
Information regarding Standard Operating Procedure for Legal Opinion
Office Order regarding enhancement of Ex-gratia amount for fatal Coal Mines Accidents
Coal Mines Provident Fund Nominations Form A
Amendments in CIL's Policy for availing the services of retired CMDs/ Directors/ Sr.level Executives, etc. as full time/ part time Advisors
Amendments in the Scheme for imparting practical training to Final Qualified Students of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
Methodology for payment of PRP under 2017 Pay Revision - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/PRP 2017/280 dated 18.10.2019
Compliance of Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 26.04.2019 in WP (C) 1337/2018 in Anuj Goyal vs UOI
Grievance Redressal Officer for CIL HQ & its Establishments as per RPwD Act, 2016
Sexual harassment of women at workplace act, 2013
Income Tax liability on "Non-monetary perquisite" regarding Company owned accommodation provided to Executives under CIL Executive Pay Revision 2017
Notice for online filling and submission of 10E for the purpose of claiming relief under section 89(1) of the Income Tax Act 1961 against contribution of CIL Executive Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-2007
Executive Defined Contribution Pension Scheme - 2007
Systemic improvement in tendering-Cases of foreclosing and retendering
Letter No.805 dated 19/20.12.2018 - Report of the Committee on Horizontal movement of Mining executives from Second class to First Class channel.
Office Order of Joint Committee
Implementation of Online Human Resource Management System
Cancellation of Work Order for Comprehensive AMC of IP Based Multi-Point Video Conferencing System installed at CIL, HQ, All Subsidiary Headquarters, Scope Complex, New Delhi & Ministry of Coal, New Delhi for a period of 3 years
Corrigendum No.B-794 dated 13.12.2018 - Regarding scale of pay & notional seniority on promotion.
CIL's letter No. 2341 dated 10.12.18
Office Order No.1389 dated: 6-Dec-18 - Implementation of order of Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta in WP No.1064 of 2015 and APO 368 of 2017 -Shri.RS Wadhai & Ors Vs CIL & Ors
Letter No.2217 dated 22.11.2018 - Preference of posting(Maximum 03 companies) from Executives of all grades (except Medical Discipline)
Debarment Notice of M/s. Shiva Industrial Security Agency (Gujarat) Limited from participating in future tenders with Coal India Limited, Kolkata for a period of 3 Years
Requirement of executives of E4 to E6 grade of all discipline at Vigilance Division of Coal India Limited (HQ), Kolkata.
Debarring M/s Neat N Clean and its partners (Smt. Nidhi Paul, Shri Surajit Basu, and Shri Abir Kundu) from participating in future tenders with Coal India Limited, Kolkata for a period of 12 (twelve) months
Internal Complaints Committee under Section 4(1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013
Arrear payable for Executives 2018
Notification for Engagement of full time Advisor (Land Revenue and Estate) in ECL on Contract Basis as per CIL's Policy
Order No.B-599 dated 10.08.2018 - Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, Northern Coalfields Limited to Shri A.K. Srivastava, IFOS, CCL
Pay Revision of Board Level and Below Board Level Executives of CIL and its Subsidiary Companies w.e.f. 01.01.2017 OM No.2972 dt 08.08.2018
Order Nos. B-526 & 527 Dated: 17.07.2018
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading In Dealing with Securities of Coal India Limited
Order Nos. B-496 & B-497 dated 29.06.2018 - Additional charge of the post of Director (Technical), ECL
Contribution towards Coal Mines Pension (Amendment) Scheme, 2018 - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPS/2897 dated 23.06.2018
Order Nos.B-467, 468 & 471 dtd 18.06.2018 - Board Level Appointments
CIL's Policy for availing the services of retired CMDs/Directors/Sr.level Executives, etc. as Full time/ Part time Advisors (including all amendments upto 17.03.2018)
Revised maximum ceiling limit of Gratuity as per Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018 (No. 12 of 2018)
List of Empanelled Hotels with Coal India Ltd. for the Period 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018 at Kolkata
Guidelines for transfer on promotion / appointment from Non-executive Cadre to Executive Cadre from one subsidiary to another
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
CDA Rules - 1978 Amended upto July 2006
Amendments in CIL House Building Advance Rules
CIL Furniture and Household Goods Purchase Scheme
Amendments in the CIL's Policy for availing the services of retired CMDs/ Directors/ Sr. level Executives, etc. as full time/ part time advisors
360th Meeting of Board of Directors of Coal India Limited
Circular No.B-133 dated 05.03.2018 - Selection for appointment on deputation to the post of Director (Technical) in the O/o Nominated Authority in Ministry of Coal
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Part-2 of Compendium of Implementation Instructions, Rules and Guidelines
Part-1 of Compendium of Implementation Instructions, Rules and Guidelines
OM No.B-11 dated 01/02.01.2018 - Declaration of immovable property under CDA Rules by 31.Jan.2018
CMPF/ FP deduction on Leave Encashment of on-roll and retired Employees - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPF/2451 dated 30.11.2017
Revised Wages/Salary & Implementation Instruction regarding 10th Wage Agreement of CIL
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Mid-Year Performance Feedback under PMS 2017-18
Amendment in Coal India Executives' Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules 1978 - CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/2275 dated 07.09.2017
Norms for determining Inter-disciplinary Inter-se Seniority of Executives
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Group Gratuity Scheme for CIL(HQ)
Requirement of chief Finance Officer in HURL at New Delhi
Inviting application for the post of "Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO)" ICVL- Mozambique on deputation basis
R factor for payment of PRP for the year 2015-16
R factor for payment of PRP fo the year 2014-15
R Factor for payment of PRP for the year 2009-10 to 2013-14
Rectification of Methodology for determination of Performance Groups for payment of PRP for the FY 2009-10 & onwards
Requirement of Senior Mining Executives in Damodar Valley Corporation on Deputation Basis
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Engagement of M/s. Ernst & Young for Review/Study of Transfer Pricing and Submission of Reports
OM No.B-214 dated 21.04.2017 Regarding payment of DA in respect of Board Level as well as below Board Level executives for the period from 01.04.17 to 30.06.17
O.M. No.55 dated 05.04.2017 Clarification regarding date of clearance status in case of promotion
Circular No.CIL/C5A(ii)/52036/B-187 dtd 04.04.2017 Regarding deputation of manpower to HURL
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Nature of penalties
Circular No: 458 & 459 dated 03.03.2017
Circular No.B-116 dated 01.03.2017 (Revised) regarding temporary deputation of Doctors / Paramedics (Allopathic) to consulate General of India, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Haj 2017
Circular No.B-115 dated 28.02.2017 regarding filling up of post of Addl. General Manager (Projects and Contracts) (E-7 Grade) in Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd.
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Candidates qualified ICSI apply for 15 months training
Circular No:203 dated 07.02.2017
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Constitution of High Powered Committee in respect of accident which occurred at Rajmahal OCP, ECL on 29.12.2016
Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct For Prevention Of Insider Trading In Dealing With Securities of Coal India Limited
Payment of balance amount of Performance Related Pay (PRP) for the period 2007-08 & 2008-09
Constitution of JBCCI-X Dated 18.11.2016
Status of renovation of quarters (Subsidiary wise) of Coal India Limited
Self-Certified Life Certificate for the pensioners under Coal Mines Pension Scheme' 1998 issued by the Commissioner, CMPF
OM - Screening of application for the Board Level posts by PESB – reg.
Circular of Project Advisor - B-950 Dated 23.09.2016
Circular No:B-937 - Requirement at Vigilance Division, CIL Hqrs.
Publication of PAR ratings and opening of online Appeal window for the FY 2021-22 under HRMS
OO No. B-22 dated 09.01.2023 regarding Extension of timeline for PAR 2021-22 submission
OM No.B-429 dated 24/25.05.2022 - Appraisal schedule of PAR/PRIDE for the FY 2021-22
OM No.B-244 dated 23/24.03.2022 - Goal Setting under PRIDE/PAR for the year 2022-23
Mid Year feedback 2021-22
Appraisal Schedule for PRIDE/PAR for the FY 2020-21
Change in Modalities/Procedure for Calculation of Average Score during Authorized leave for the purpose of Promotion in PMS Manual
Publication of PRIDE Ratings and opening of online Appeal Window for FY2019-20
Waiver of submission of Annual Medical Report for Executives of CIL & its subsidiaries in PRIDE and PAR for the FY 2019-20
Appraisal Schedule for PRIDE/PAR for the FY 2019-20
Extension of timeline for PRIDE/ PAR Appraisal schedule for the FY 2019-20 - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/PMS/442 dated 29.06.2020
Goal Setting Schedule 2020-21
Publication of PRIDE ratings and opening of Appeal Window for the FY 2018-19
Appraisal Schedule for the FY 2018-19
Mid-Year Performance Feedback under PMS for the FY 2020-21
Appraisal Schedule for PRIDE/PAR for the FY 2019-20
Extension of Self -Appraisal timeline 2018-19
Goal Setting under PRIDE/PAR for the year 2019-20
Mid Year Performance Feedback under PMS 2019-20
Appraisal Schedule of PRIDE and PAR for the FY 2017-18
R Factor for payment of PRP for the year 2016-17
KPI Inventory
Appraisal Schedule of PRIDE/PAR for the FY 2016-17
Goal Setting under PRIDE/PAR for the year 2017-18
Extension of timeline for Midyear Feedback from 08th Nov, 2015 to 14th Nov, 2015
Mid - Year Performance Feedback under PMS - 2016-17
Modification in Appraisal schedule of PRIDE for the year 2014-15
Revised time limit for Goal Setting process under PRIDE/PAR
Mid - Year Performance feedback under PMS
Time extension for Goal Setting under Online PMS 2014-15 (Dated 16.06.2014)
Time extension for Goal Setting under Online PMS 2014-15
Extension of the timeline for Goal Setting process of Online PMS 2014-15
Online PMS – Message from Director(P&IR)
Modifications in the Performance Management System Manual
TA / LTC / LLTC / HRA / Leave
Holidays to be observed in CIL HQ Kolkata during the year 2025
Holidays to be observed in Rohini Housing Complex, Ultadanga, Kolkata during the year 2025
List of Holidays to be observed at Rohini Housing Complex, Ultadanga , Kolkata in the year 2024
List of Holidays to be observed at CIL HQ Kolkata in the year 2024
Empanelment letter of Star Hotel Taj Bengal and Taj City Centre, Kolkata with Coal India Limited for one year
Empaneled Star Hotel at Mumbai with Coal India Limited
Empanelment letter of Gujarat Hotels
Empanelment letter of Non Star Hotels of Mumbai
Empanelment of Star Hotel in Kolkata with Coal lndia Limited
Admissibility of transfer/ joining benefits in case of Board level appointments - OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/TA DA/366 dated 05.02.2020
Amendments in Coal India Travelling Allowance Rules 2010
Amendment in the Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010 - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/2450 dated 30.11.2017
OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave Rules/250 dated 11.09.2019
Corrigendum No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave Rules/251 dated 17.09.2019
Amendment in the CIL Travelling Allowance Rules 2010 - OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ TA DA/2272 dated 01.09.2017
Amendments to the CIL Executive Leave Rules 2010
Office order for amendment in the Coal India Executive Leave Rules-2010
Extension of LTC/LLTC for the block year 2012-2015 for executives of CIL and its subsidiaries
Modification in CIL Executive Leave Rules-2010
Coal India Executives HRA Rules 2010 - Revised Flat Licence Fee Rates (Clause 9.1) Dated:12.02.2014
Booking under separate account head for expenses incurred against LTC/LLTC for Executives for the Block Year 2012-2015
Coal India Travelling Allowance Rules 2010 (Including all amendments/Clarifications issued upto 03.10.2012)
Coal India Travelling Allowance Rules 2010 (Including all amendments/Clarifications issued upto 03.10.2012)
Amendment in the TA Rules 2010 dated 03.10.2012
Corrigendum dated 11.10.2012
Coal India Executives Leave Rules 2010 (Including all amendments/Clarification issued upto 30.08.2012)
Insertion of clause No. 7.14 - Child Care Leave (CCL)
Extension of LTC/LLTC for the block year 2008-2011 for executives of CIL and its subsidiaries
Coal India Executives House Rent Allowance Rules 2010
Coal India Executives Leave Travel Concession Rules 2010 - including clarification dtd. 12/13.07.2011
CIL's Travelling Allowance Rules, 2010 including PART- F (Foreign Tour)
Consolidated List of Empaneled Hospitals of Coal India Limited as on 18.02.2025
Consolidated List of Empaneled Hospitals of Coal India Limited as on 14.01.2025
Consolidated list of Empaneled Labs and Diagnostic Imaging Centres for Coal India Limited HQ
Modalities for empanelment of Laboratories/diagnostic and imaging centers in Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries
Superspeciality Clinics at CIL HQ
Medical Card- Annexure A
Supplimentary Clarification Regarding Reimbursement (under CPRMSE) of Deluxe Room Charges in Non Empaneled Hospitals, to Board Level Executives and Executives in E9 Grade
Contributory Post-Retirement Medicare Scheme for Executives of CIL & its Subsidiaries - with amendments up to 14.12.2021
Office Memorandum Ref. No. Medical/CIL/2021/90
Empanelment of Hospitals
Amendments in Coal India Medical Attendance Rules
Attention All Retired Employees of Coal India limited Dated: 23.06.2017
Ambulance service launched at CIL
HR / Personnel
Reservation Roster
Reg: Amendments in Transfer Policy of Non-Executives of CIL and its Subsidiaries.
Transfer Policy of Non-Executives
Reservation Roster
Extension of effective date of Guidelines for engagement of Doctors & Paramedical Staff
One time Relaxtion in minimum eligibility criteria norms for promotion from E7 to E8
Transfer on promotion /selection policy from Non- Executive to Executive cadre posts
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2022 Rohini Housing Complex
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2022 for CIL (HQ)
Amendments in Contributory Post Retirement Medicare Scheme for Executives of CIL & its Subsidiaries (CPRMSE)
Merger of Discplines-OM No: CIL/C5A (PC)/Manpower/831 dated 24.11.2021
Enhancement of House Rent Allowance & Lease rental ceilings of CIL Executive Pay Revision 2017
Amendments in the Scheme for imparting practical training to the students who have passed Executive/ Professional Programme of ICSI- OM No.809 dated 26-10-2021
Clarification regarding Coal lndia Travelling Allowance Rules 2010- OM No. 797 dated 19-10-2021
Creation of Executive Director Posts for operation at CIL(Hq) in E9 Pay scale - OM No. 796 dated 18.10.2021
Amendments in the Job Specifications of Executive Director Posts
CIL Policy for engagement of Security Personnel on fixed tenure contract basis
Amendment in the Cadre Scheme of Security discipline
Applicability of GST on notice pay in case of resignation- OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/GST/769 dated 15.09.2021
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2021 for CIL (HQ)
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2020 for CIL (HQ)
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2020 Rohini Housing Complex
Amendment in Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010 in compliance of CIL Equal Opportunity Policy - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/leave/500 dated 29.10.2020
Amendment in the Job specifications of Executive Director - E9 Posts - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ED Post/489 dated 12.10.2020
Amendment in the guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E8 to E9 grade - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Promotion/484 dated 01.10.2020
Training Closure Of Management Trainees of Mining discipline
Security Deposit against Service Bond in respect of Management Trainees - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Sec. Deposit/473 dated 02.09.2020
Modalities for determination of seniority of eligible candidates for selection from Non-Executive to Executive Cadre in E2 grade of Survey discipline - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Rect.Survey/477 dated 12.09.2020.
Operation of Executive Director - E9 posts in CIL - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ED Post/470 dated 17.08.2020
Amendment in CIL Policy for engagement of Medical Consultants - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Medical Consultant/457 dated 20.07.2020
Amendment in the guidelines for engagement of retired Doctors & Paramedical Staff on temporary contract basis to combat COVID-19 - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Dr-Paramedical/458 dated 20.07.2020
Operation of Executive Director - E9 posts in CIL - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ED Post/441 dated 25.06.2020
Operation of Promotion ratio of Medical discipline - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Med_Pr/444 dated 02.07.2020
Executive Retirement before Superannuation Scheme - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/VRS/447 dated 04.07.2020
Creation of Company Secretary Cadre in CIL/ Subsidiaries - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS Cadre/448 dated 04.07.2020
Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in direct recruitment in civil posts and services in the Government of India: compliance, regarding;
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2020 for CIL (HQ)
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2020 Rohini Housing Complex.
Amended modalities for determination of seniority of eligible candidates for promotion from Non Executive to Executive Cadre in E1 grade in Survey Discipline - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ Rect.Survey/423 dated 21.05.2020
CIL Policy for engagement of Medical Consultants - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Medical Consultant/405 dated 30.03.2020
Procedure to be followed for Pre-mature Retirement under Clause 15.8 of Common Coal Cadre - OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ Probity/2273 dated 01.09.2017
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2018
OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/2849 dated 21.05.2018 - CIL Job Rotation & Transfer Policy
Amendments in "CIL Executive Job Rotation & Transfer Policy - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/43 dated 12.02.2019
Applicability of Holidays to Executives of CIL & its Subsidiaries working at all Joint Venture Companies of CIL - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/44 dated 12.02.2019
Office Order No CIL:C-5A(PC)/CCC/47 dated 13-Feb-19
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2019
Amendment in the list of Sensitive Posts of Executives & Non-Executives - OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/167 dated 02.07.2019
Amendment in the guidelines for promotion of Executives from E6 to E7 grade - CIL/C5A(PC)/CCC/E6-E7/179 dated 23.07.2019
Office order for Creation of the post of CGM in E8-A grade
Abolition of the post of Executive Director (ED) in CIL
Renaming of 'Sales & Marketing' discipline as 'Marketing & Sales' discipline
Change in the date of Restricted Holiday on the occasion of Milad-Un-Nabi/ Id-E-Milad
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2017
Holiday on the occasion of ID-Ul-Zoha (Bakrid) on 13th September 2016
List of Retired Executives Empanelled to work as Inquiring Authority in respect of CIL & it's Subsidiaries
Coal India Special Female Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2015
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2016
Standard Operating Practice for In-Circles in CIL
OM on Online Transfer Module
Standard Modalities for K Mining Communities
CIL Executive Mentoring Scheme
Scheme for providing laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories to executives of Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries
Implementation of New Modules under Online HRIS - Circular from Director (P&IR)
Coal India Executives Overseas Site Posting Rule 2010 (Foreign Posting Allowance as per clause No. 4.2.1 in respect of Mozambique)
Amendment provision as contained in Rule 7.8 of Coal India Executives Leave Rules, 2010
Selection of officers for appointment on Deputation to the post of Coal Controller
List of Holidays to be observed during the year 2015
Contributory Post Retirement Medicare Scheme for Non-executives
Coal India Special Female Voluntary Retirement Scheme-2014(Revised)
Decision Taken in the Meeting with the CTUs dated 15.09.2014
Merging of Cadres
Creation of Discipline - "Community Development"
Office Memorandum dated: 02.06.2014 regarding Perks & Allowance
Modification in the schedule of Final Assessment of PMS rating in respect of executives upto E-7 Grade for the year 2013-2014
Amendment of Rule 19.5 of Coal India Executive Conduct, Discipline and appeal Rules, 1978
Ammendment of Rule 16.5 of Coal India Executives Conduct Discipline & Appeal Rules, 1978
Cadre Scheme for the post of Principal in Nursing Cadre
Deletion/Merger of redundant post from Manpower roll of Coal India Limited
Amendment of Clause 3.15 of Chapter III - Recruitment,Selection & Placement of Executives of Common Coal Cadre
Posting of Technical Management Trainees
Payment of Lump-sum Recoverable Advance Against PRP to Management Trainees
Grant of Honorarium to Enquiry Officers (EO)/ Presenting Officers (PO)
Strengthening of HRD Department of CIL and subsidiary companies
Increase of Security deposit amount from Rs. 1,000/- per month upto 50 months to Rs. 5,000/- per month upto 60 months & introduction of Bond for Rs. 3 Laks for 60 months
Recruitment of Medical Officers as Sr. Medical Officer & Specialist in E3 Grade and Sr. Specialist in E4 Grade respectively
Corrigendum dated 12.11.2013 for Recruitment of Medical Officers as Sr. Medical Officer & Specialist in E3 Grade and Sr. Specialist in E4 Grade respectively
Recruitment of Management Trainees of all disciplines through open advertisement and through campus will be in E2 Grade in 1st Year & subsequently placed in E3 grade after successful completion of 1 year training
Office Order dated 27.02.2012 regarding Non - Practicing Allowance (NPA) for Executives of Medical Discipline of CIL & its Subsidiaries
Guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E6 to E7 Grade dated 27.12.2011.
Clause 34.3 of Coal India Executives Conduct Discipline & Appeal Rules 1978
Removal of pay anomaly arising consequent upon revision of pay scales of executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007
Corrigendum No.80 dated 05.12.2011 for Removal of pay anomaly arising consequent upon revision of pay scales of executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007
Pay revision of executives and non-unionised supervisors of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.07
Creation of two Executive Director (ED)- E9 posts.
Guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E6 to E7 Grade (Clause E Modified).
Guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E8 to E9 Grade.
Guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E7 to E8 Grade.
Guidelines for Promotion of Executives from E6 to E7 Grade.
Salient features of Coal India Executives group personal accident insurance scheme
Designation of Below Board Level Executives of Coal India Limited
Revision of pay of Executives
Career Growth of Executives - Cluster Concept of Promotion
Holiday Homes
Circular of Holiday Home at different destinations in India for Employees of CIL dated 20.01.25
Circular of Holiday Homes dated 12.11.2024
Circular No. 4099- Holiday Homes dated 26.09.2024
Circular No. 3282 - Holiday Homes dated 10.09.2024
Circular No. 189 - Holiday Homes dated 13.01.2023
Application Form availing holiday home for existing employees
Application Form availing holiday home retired employees of CIL & it's subsidary companies
सीआईएल हॉलिडे होम सेवाएं अस्थायी रूप से निलंबित हैं
Holiday Home Booking form
Holiday home Application Form
Letter No.45, dated 09.10.2019
Circular No. 43 dated 27.06.2019
Circular No. 42 dated 28.08.2018
Circular No. 41 dated 01.05.2018
Circular No. 40 dated 07.09.2017
Circular No. 39 dated 25.07.2017
Circular No. 38 dated 29.06.2017
Circular No. 37 dated 07.06.2017
Circular No. 36 dated 14.05.2017
Circular No. 35 dated 09.11.2016
Circular No. 34 dated 20.08.2016
Circular No. 33 dated 01.08.2016
Circular No. 32 dated 14.07.2016
Circular No. 31 dated 17.06.2016
Circular No. 30 dated 07.06.2016
Circular No. 29 dated 28.05.2016
Application Form for Holiday Homes
Circular No. 28 dated 30.03.2016
Circular No. 27 dated 30.11.2015
Circular No. 26 dated 05.09.2015
Circular No. 25 dated 08.06.2015
Circular No. 22 dated 02.05.2015
Circular No. 18 dated 21.04.2015
Circular No. 575 dated 12.12.2014
Circular No. 157 dated 11.06.2014
Circular No. 118 dated 20.05.2014
Circular No. 207 dated 09.07.2014
Circular No. 53 dated 24.04.2014
Circular No. 14 dated 04.04.2014
Circular No. 710 dated 27.03.2014
Circular No. 597 dated 28.01.2014
Application Form for Holiday Homes
Allotment of CIL's Holiday Homes to retired employees of CIL & its Subsidiary Companies