Parliamentary Affairs Division of Coal India Ltd. is entrusted with the task of managing all jobs related to Parliament Matters. Parliament Division is responsible for preparation of replies to the parliament questions raised by Hon’ble MPs in Parliament i.e. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha during three sessions in a year i.e. Budget Session, Monsoon Session and Winter Session. Reply to Parliamentary Assurance questions as & when asked by MoC. Besides, Parliament Questions various questions of utmost importance are also raised by Hon’ble MPs under Rule 377, Zero hour, etc., reply to such questions are also prepared in consultation with concerned departments of CIL / Subsidiary Companies.
Meetings on various important matters are occasionally held with different Parliamentary Committees viz. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Coal & Steel, Standing Committee on Energy, Parliamentary Committee on Other Backward Caste (OBC), Parliamentary Committee on SC & ST, Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU), Parliamentary Consultative Committee (Coal) etc. mostly at New Delhi. Preparation of meeting materials and reply to List of Points related to various Committees are done by Parliamentary Affairs Division, CIL on the basis of in-put / information collected from concerned departments of CIL & Subsidiary Companies.
A number of Parliamentary Committees i.e. Committee on SC & ST, Committee on OBC, Subordinate Legislation Committee, Standing Committee on Coal & Steel. Committee on Govt. Assurances etc. make visits to Kolkata and other places of Subsidiary Companies to discuss various matters time to time. Parliamentary Affairs Division, CIL in co-ordination with concerned departments of CIL and Subsidiary Companies prepare the material for discussion and other necessary arrangements for the visit of the Committees.
Parliamentary Affairs Division, CIL has to remain in constant touch with Ministry of Coal for all related jobs of Parliamentary matters. As per direction of MoC, information / reply on various matters are submitted to MoC on priority basis.
Parliamentary Affairs Division, CIL is required to co-ordinate with the concerned divisions of CIL and also with the Subsidiary Companies for obtaining the necessary data, in-put & information on various matters for furnishing reply to the Ministry of Coal in time.