ENG हिंदी

Engineering & Equipment Division

Achievement of Engineering & Equipment Division

Engineering & Equipment Division (EED)
at Coal India Head Quarters, Kolkata is headed by Executive Director (E&E) under the Technical Directorate. Administratively, this department comprises of excavation and E&M departments of all the subsidiaries of CIL. In respect of Subsidiaries, Engineering and Equipment functions are carried out by excavation and E&M Departments headed by General Manager (Excavation) and General Manager (Electrical & Mechanical). Further, these activities are carried out by SO (Excavation) & SO (E&M) at area level and PE (Excavation) of PE (E&M) at project levels as per power delegated to them.


EED department deals with procurement of centralized items like high capacity HEMM and others.

  1. Dragline of all capacity.
  2. Electric Rope shovel – 20 Cum.
  3. Dumper – 190T-200T.
  4. Crawler dozer – 850 hp.
  5. Wheel dozer – 460-530 hp.
  6. Hydraulic shovel – 10-12 Cum & 20 Cum.
  7. Front End Loader – 10-12 Cum.
  8. Grader 550 hp.
  9. OTR Tyre of size 24.00 x 49 and above.

All decentralized HEMMs and other items are procured at subsidiary level.

HEMM Population as on 30.11.24 including s/off

Subsidiary Dragline Shovel Dumper Dozer Drill Surface Miner Total
ECL 1 67 216 81 48   413
BCCL 1 77 288 87 71   524
CCL   103 327 172 103 1 706
NCL 23 107 499 170 142 14 955
WCL   79 339 147 70   635
SECL 1 70 482 135 64 10 762
MCL   76 316 128 65 22 607
CIL 26 579 2467 920 563 47 4602

CMPDI Norm for HEMM performance

Equipment  Availability Utilization
Dragline 85 73
Shovel 80 58
Dumper 67 50
Dozer 70 45
Drill 78 40

E & M Department

Coal Production has increased by 10 % in 2023-24 compared to 2022-23 and there is increase in OB removal by 312 MM3.

Electricity consumption in CIL as a whole in 2023-24 was 4273.61 million units compared to 4598.78 million units in 2022-23, showing a decrease of 7.07%. Total amount paid towards energy Bill in 2023-24 was Rs. 3633.03 crore against Rs. 3764.16 crore in 2022-23, a decrease of 3.48%.

In terms of total coal production, specific energy Consumption for CIL as a whole, during 2023-24 was 5.72 KWh/T as against 6.54 KWh/T during 2022- 23 with an overall decrease of 12.54%.

In terms of composite production (in M3), Specific Energy Consumption during 2023-24, for CIL as a whole, was 1.76 KWh/m3 vis-à-vis 2.19 KWh/m3 during 2022-23 with an overall decrease of 19.63%.

  • A comprehensive range of energy efficiency measures that have led to substantial reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

In FY 2023-24, we surpassed our CO2 reduction target by achieving a reduction of 1, 05,319 tonnes. Our measures include the use of energy-efficient technologies and practices across our operations, such as the installation of LED lights, energy-efficient air conditioners, water heaters, super fans, and Energy Efficient motors. Additionally, the deployment of electric vehicles and the use of auto timers in street lights have further contributed to reducing our carbon footprint.

  • Total 25 nos. electrical energy audits were conducted by BEE during 2023-24 for different subsidiaries of CIL as mentioned below:
    • CCL-01, ECL-01, SECL-05, BCCL-04,
    • CIL (HQ)-01 & NCL-13.
  • Overall utilization of Running CHPs (Annual Cap>1MTY) in 2023-24 was 73.85% and Coal handled was 189.12 MT through these CHPs which has reduced CO2 emission and dust generation by way of reduced diesel consumption by tipping trucks & reduced road transportation distance.
  • Improvement in Power Factor - Almost all the areas of the subsidiary companies have maintained Power Factors from 0.90 to 0.99 during 2023-24 by installing capacitor banks of appropriate KVAR rating. During 2023-24, 20775 KVAR of capacitor banks have been procured and installed at subsidiaries.

Solar Department

CIL Board has approved the creation of an SPV namely ‘CIL Navikarniya Urja Limited’ to venture into new business area of New and Renewable Energy (Non-Conventional) segment including Solar, Wind, Small Hydro, Biomass, Geo Thermal, Hydrogen, Tidal, etc., along with other prevalent technologies/emerging technologies.

  • CIL has bagged its maiden commercial Solar Project outside its command areas by winning 100 MW Solar Power Project through Competitive Bidding conducted by Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL).
  • CIL is in the process of implementing 315 MW of ground mounted and 11.5 MW of rooftop solar project in its own land. Out of that, tenders for 95 MW of ground mounted solar project have already been floated.
  • JV agreement was executed with NLCIL for creation of Solar Power Assets on 3rd July, 2020. SECL has awarded the work of 40 MW SPV Project for Bhatgaon and Bishrampur Area on PMC route.
  • CIL has also formed a JV with NTPC to develop solar power projects Pan-India. MOU has been signed between NCL and CNLUPL where CNLUPL will work as a coordinator for commissioning of 50 MW Solar Power Project at Nigahi Project of NCL on PMC route through NTPC Ltd.
  • Execution of MoU with EESL on 4th February, 2021 for implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects for Carbon reduction for CIL and its subsidiaries like Decentralized Solar Program (rooftop and ground mounted), Electric Vehicles, EV Charging Infrastructure, Smart meters, Building Energy Efficiency Programs etc. Subsidiaries of CIL have identified Energy Efficiency Projects and implementation of solar power projects in consultation with EESL.
  • SPV namely ‘CIL NAVIKARNIYA URJA LTD.’ was incorporated on 16th April, 2021 to undertake the business of commercial Solar PV Projects in commercial basis.
  • Roof Top Solar Plant tendered in 2020-21 : 10.1 MW
  • Ground mounted Solar Plant tendered in 2020-21 : 95 MW
    • CCL-20 MW,BCCL-25 MW, NCL- 50 MW